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What's Happening this Week...

August 23rd - 28th




August 28th: Spelling and Reading Test

September 3rd: Labor Day ~ No School

September 11th: Math Test: Module 1

September 12th: Early Release @ 12:30

Vocabulary Words

  1. accountable: Show kindness

  2. advice: problem solving with a group

  3. desperately: made flatter or smooth

  4. hesitated: act wildly with worry

  5. humiliated: spoken quietly in an unclear way

  6. inspiration: to be properly approved or authorized

  7. self-esteem: new or different

  8. uncomfortably: old or not fresh





Spelling: Study words nightly for test on Tuesday, Aug. 28th

Math: Math skills page

Reading: Reading comprehension page 

Read nightly for AR: Complete AR log and  a short summary in spiral notebook.

 **All homework is due      Tuesday, August 28th

Spelling Words

  1. major

  2. display

  3. stray

  4. railway

  5. relay

  6. bail

  7. wailing

  8. frail

  9. fainting

  10. claimed

11. remain

12.  pale

13.  parade

14. mistake

15. ache

16. nickname

17. break

18. steak

19. eighteen

20. obeyed

Reading/Language Arts

Unit 1 Week 2


Module 1:  Aug 15th - Sept. 11th

*Read and write numbers in base ten numerals

*Compare multi-digit numbers

*Round multi digit whole numbers

*Multi-step word problems

*Add and subtract multi digit whole numbers

*Place value

Math Test Sept.11

Comprehension Strategy: Predictions

Comprehension Skill: Character, setting, plot: Problem & Solution

Vocabulary: Idioms

Writing: Focus on Events

Grammar: Subjects & Predicates




Nature and Practice of Science. Lab safety.

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