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What's Happening this Week...

October 19th- 25th



October 23rd-31: Red Ribbon Week/Spirit Week

October 25th: Spelling and Reading Test

October 29th: Report Cards

October 31st: Character Dress Up Day-Don't Forget Your Book!

November 2nd: All Pro Dad's @ 6:30 Village Inn

November 2nd: Free Style Dress For $1

November 7th: Early Release Day @ 12:30 and Picture Retake Day

November 12th: No school - Holiday: Veterans Day 


Spelling: Study words nightly for test on Thurs. October 25th

Math: Math  FSA PRACTICE Skills Sheet


Complete Veteran's Day Essay : 500-600 words 

What is the importance of Veteran's Day  Due Thursday, October 25th

Read nightly for AR: Complete AR log and  a short summary in spiral notebook.


Spelling Words

  1. shredding

  2. shrink

  3. shrugged

  4. shriek

  5. script

  6. scrawny

  7. screech

  8. straighten

  9. stringy

  10. strand

11. sprout

12.  sprawl

13.  sprang

14. splashing

15. splotch

16. thrillingly

17. thrift

18. throughout

19. throb

20. throttle

Vocabulary Words

  1. crumbled: break into small pieces

  2. droughts: long periods of dry weather

  3. ecosystem: all living and nonliving things in an area

  4. extinct: no longer exists

  5. flourished: thrived or grew stronger

  6. fragile: breaks easily

  7. imbalance: not in an equal or secure position

  8. ripples: form small waves




Reading/Language Arts

Unit 2 Week 3

Comprehension Strategy: Summarize

Comprehension Skill: Main Idea & Key Details

Vocabulary: Context Clues

Writing: Explanatory Essay with supporting details

Grammar: Irregular Plural Nouns




October 19th - November 16th 

Division- 1 digit divisors and up to 4 digit dividends and multiply/divide to solve real world problems




Properties of matter after a physical change

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