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What's Happening this Week...

February 25th - March 1st





February 28th: PBS Celebration

March 1st: Spelling/Reading Test 

March 1st: Free Style Friday for $1

March 9th: Spring Campus Beautification 8:00 -12:00

March 13th: Early Release

March 14th: National Pi Day

March 15th: End of 3rd Nine Weeks

March 15th: Spring Fling Festival

March 21st: Field Trip to Agrifest

March 22nd: Field Day 12:00-2:30 p.m.

March 25th-29th: Spring Break

April 2nd: FSA Writing Assessment

April 5th: Report Cards go Home

April 5th: Free Style Friday for $1







Spelling: Study words nightly  for test on Friday, March 1st

Math:  Math Skills Sheet

Reading: Reading comprehension page  Due Friday, March 1st

Read nightly for AR: Complete AR log and  a short summary in spiral notebook.

 ALL HOMEWROK IS DUE: Friday, March 1st

 Spelling Words


  1. boost

  2. doodle

  3. zoom

  4. smooth

  5. crew

  6. shrewd

  7. parachute

  8. produce

  9. tissue

  10. truthful

  11. tutor

  12. bruised

  13. juicy

  14. suits

  15. you'll

  16. huge

  17. mute

  18. communication

  19. crooked

  20. should

Reading/Language Arts


Comprehension Strategy: Make, Confirm, or Revise Predictions

Comprehension Skill: Main Idea and Key Details

Vocabulary: Figurative Language

Writing: Expository

Grammar: Types of Pronouns & Subject & Object Pronouns


Feb 21: District Unify Test

Feb 22: Module 5 test


Feb 25-March 6: Relative sizes of measurement within one system of units (customary and metric)

-Convert larger units of measurement to smaller units

-solve measurement word problems using the four operations


Mar 7-13: create and use line plots that include fractional measurements


Mar 14- District Unify Test

Mar 15- Module 6 math test


Mar 18-April 3: identify and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. 

- Identify, recognize, and classify parallel lines, perpendicular lines, acute angles, obtuse angles, right angles, and right triangles. 

-Recognize, identify, and draw lines of symmetry for two-dimensional figures. 


April 4-17: Recognize angles as geometric shapes.

-measure angles using a protractor 

-sketch angles of a specific measurement

-recognize angle measure as an additive


April 18- District Unify Test

April 19- Module 7 test




FSA Writing Practice


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